Average Annual Insurance Value (NIS) of Vehicles by Vehicle Type and
, 2014

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Vehicle Type Region
Other Vehicles Goods Vehicle Bus Motorcycle Car
                 2,208             2,635           4,640              2,698                   1,817 Palestine
                 2,428             2,840           5,035              1,283                   2,043 West Bank
                 2,173             2,507           5,379              1,383                   1,775 North of West Bank 
                 2,826             3,096           4,367              1,207                   2,222 Middle of West Bank 
                 2,337             2,864           5,233              1,537                   2,170 South of West Bank 
                 1,914             2,178           2,721              2,758                   1,225 Gaza Strip